Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados
Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados
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Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados
Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados
Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados
Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados
Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados
Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados

Combo de xampu e condicionador de óleo de coco para cabelos secos e danificados

Valorado con 4,8 de 5 estrellas
1,588 Reseñas
Preço normal $41.082,00
Money back guarantee 90 DIAS DE DEVOLUÇÃO
  • Limpia en profundidad e hidrata el cabello rizado y ensortijado de la raíz a la punta
  • Infundido con aceite de coco nutritivo para ayudar hidrata y suaviza las hebras secas y dañadas
  • Formulado para favorecer un cuero cabelludo más sano y equilibrado para cabello más fuerte y revitalizado
  • Perfecto para Cabello ensortijado, rizado y alborotado
  • Ayuda a suavizar nudos y enredos para menos daños y roturas durante el cepillado
  • Libre de parabenos, ftalatos, siliconas, sulfatos y fragancias artificiales
  • pH equilibrado y seguro para cabellos teñidos
  • Reduce las botellas de plástico de un solo uso: nuestra fórmula concentrada en barra contiene los ingredientes activos equivalentes a dos botellas de 16 oz o una botella de 32 oz de acondicionador líquido
  • Hecho en EE.UU., vegano, sin crueldad, certificado por Leaping Bunny
  • CERTIFICADO 4OCEAN: Para cada barra de champú o acondicionador,4ocean tira del equivalente al plástico de una botella de acondicionador de los océanos, ríos y costas del mundo
  • 1x Aceite de Coco Hidratación Profunda Acondicionador Sólido en Barra
  • 1x Champú en barra sólido hidratante profundo con aceite de coco

Humedece el cabello y la barra con agua tibia. Masajea el cuero cabelludo y las hebras con la barrita hasta obtener espuma. Aclara y repite según sea necesario.

Consejo profesional: Para una mayor hidratación, combínalo con el Acondicionador sólido de aceite de coco hidratante profundo Kitsch para ayudar a hidratar y nutrir las hebras.

Óleo de Coco

O óleo de coco retém a humidade para ajudar a hidratar profundamente os seus fios a partir do interior e a reduzir a quebra para um cabelo mais forte, mais brilhante e com um aspeto mais saudável.

Fision® EcoSil

Esta alternativa natural ao silicone ajuda a condicionar os seus fios com um impulso de brilho.

Óleo de rícino

Nutrir o cabelo da raiz às pontas com a ajuda do Óleo de Rícino, um óleo que fortalece os fios e equilibra o couro cabeludo para um cabelo limpo e saudável.

Manteiga de karité

Revitalize a sua pele com a Manteiga de Karité, rica em vitaminas, que ajuda a hidratar para promover uma pele mais macia, suave e hidratada.

4 razones por las que millones de mujeres se están pasando al aceite de coco de Kitsch

1. hidrata y nutre en profundidad

Hidrata y nutre en profundidad el cabello ensortijado, rizado y crespo para que esté más suave, brillante y manejable.

2. favorece un cabello más sano

Ayuda delicadamente a equilibrar el pH del cabello para conseguir un cuero cabelludo más sano y favorecer su crecimiento.

3. minimiza daños y roturas

Aporta al cabello beneficios a largo plazo para el cuero cabelludo y las hebras, ayudando a reducir los daños, la rotura y la caída con el paso del tiempo.

4. revitaliza el cabello con cada uso

Ayuda a hidratar y suavizar las hebras secas y dañadas para reavivar el cabello apagado, encrespado y enredado.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 1,804 reviews
Reviews Summary
Customers say this hair care product leaves their hair soft and smooth. Many reviews mention the rich lather and easy detangling. While some find the new scent overpowering, most appreciate how their hair feels moisturized and manageable. The bars work well for various hair types, though some note they can melt in warm conditions.
96%would recommend these products
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1,804 reviews
  • SM Profile picture for Stacey M.
    Stacey M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Frizzy, Thinning
    Product Standouts Conditions Well, Great Ingredients, Restores Shine, Softens Hair, Helps Detangle
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    WOW, again!!!

    Absolutely in love with this. I wrote a long review on the shampoo bar because I was so going it’s praises on the first use. There was so much lather that I had it piled up just to soak it in. How could I not follow with a rave review on the conditioner bar as well ? It is so smooth and rich with a fresh clean scent. My hair wasn’t tangled when I finished up, which is awesome because I have very fine hair that does tangle easy. I let my hair air dry and it was so full of bounce and freshness. This is a must have to keep on hand!!! Go grab a combo set and enjoy !!!

  • SM Profile picture for Stacey M.
    Stacey M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago

    Wow, I could not wait to get out of the shower for this one ! My first use and I was thrilled !!!! It was a good thing I was home alone because I was literally singing in the shower. I have never had a bar with so much lather !!!! I had it just piled up on top of my head, letting it just set there. The smell was so refreshing and clean !!! It rinsed out so smooth and so clean. My hair felt like a million bucks. I let it air dry and my waves were nice and smooth, no weigh down . This is one set that I will definitely keep on hand !!! Go grab you a bar and give it a try, I think you’ll love it !!!

  • CK
    Carol K.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago

    Hello! Here's to 62! ❤️ I started using Kitsch in February 2023. My hair was always super thin and super straight. In 2016 I suddenly got curly hair (probably life change). I could never grow my hair because it grows so slowly and I'm always cutting off split ends. 😭. Since I started using Kitsch my hair has been getting stronger, looks fuller and not quite as thin. My hair is also not falling out as much.😊 I will never use any other products. I do rotate between Rice Water shampoo and conditioner, Rosemary Biotin set and the new coconut shampoo! I use the spray in conditioner, the blue tangle free brush and the wide tooth comb! These products are the best!

    Short hair pic from 6/2023 and longer hair from 9/2024. Still slow growing but I don't have to cut off frizzy split ends! YAY!

  • SS Profile picture for Sara S.facebook logo
    Sara S.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago

    I am OBSESSED with the new coconut oil s/c combo!!! My hair feels amazing! The shampoo lathers up so nice and my hair just feels amazing!! Both my hubby and I love the smell too! I love that it matches the leave in conditioner as well! With curly/wavy hair the coconut oil combo and the leave in conditioner will be my go to! Kitsch you’ve hit the ball outta the park with these new products 😍😍😍

  • SS
    Stephanie S.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Coconut Shampoo and Conditioning Bars

    What can I say. I have fallen in love with the Kistch family of products. The coconut shampoo is great but the scant isn’t very noticeable. The conditioner has a wonderful smell leaving my hair feeling silky smooth!!

  • EP
    Edith P.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Great product

    Love this conditioner, not only did it hydrate it also made my hair bright and no frizz big plus since I live in the south. My curls look awesome. Overall great product! Will continue to use.

  • K Profile picture for Kadijah
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago

    OK, so I have a protective hairstyle and it’s really hard to wash which is a bottle of shampoo so I was so happy when I got this because it’s easier to wash my protective hairstyle and it’s really easy to wash my hair with it product. I have to worry about wasting product and Smells so freaking good

  • K
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Frizzy, Thinning, Sensitive Scalp
    Product Standouts Conditions Well, Restores Shine, Softens Hair, Helps Detangle
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Great conditioner

    This is the perfect bar for frizzy hair in the summer heat! Smells incredible and my hair has never been this moisturized

  • DM Profile picture for Dawn M.facebook logo
    Dawn M.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Frizzy, Sensitive Scalp
    Product Standouts Conditions Well, Restores Shine
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Super hydrating!

    This conditioner is very creamy and “paints” on well. It doesn’t detangle as well as some of the others, but it did not leave my hair weighed down. My curls felt healthy and were shiny. The smell was wonderful too. This is a good conditioner to alternate with.

  • AR
    April R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Itchy Scalp, Dry, Frizzy
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients, Restores Shine, Softens Hair, Helps Detangle, Conditions Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    11 months ago
    10/10! Best conditioner!

    I absolutely adore this conditioner! Its ultra-moisturizing formula makes detangling a breeze, and the way it defines my daughter's curls is simply stunning. What's even better is that despite my daughter's sensitive skin, she hasn't experienced any reactions to these products. It's a win-win for us – nourished hair and happy, healthy skin!

Perguntas mais frequentes

  • Este champú combate la sequedad, el aspecto apagado y la falta de manejabilidad del cabello infundiéndole las propiedades nutritivas del aceite de coco.

  • ¡Sí! Este champú está diseñado para combinarse perfectamente con nuestra barra acondicionadora hidratante profunda para cabello seco y dañado favorita de los fans, proporcionando una solución completa para la salud del cabello.

  • Sí. Este champú está formulado para ser suave pero eficaz, por lo que es adecuado para todo tipo de cabellos, incluidos los secos y dañados.

  • Sí. Nuestros champús no contienen sulfatos ni parabenos, lo que significa que son lo suficientemente suaves como para utilizarlos en cabellos tratados sin decolorarlos.

  • Para obtener los mejores resultados, recomendamos utilizar el champú regularmente como parte de su rutina de cuidado del cabello. La frecuencia puede variar en función de su tipo de cabello y sus necesidades, pero puede usarse a diario si lo desea.

  • El uso prolongado de este champú favorece la salud y vitalidad del cabello al reducir los daños, la rotura y la caída, lo que en última instancia se traduce en un cabello más fuerte y sano.

  • Sí. Nuestros champús están libres de sulfatos y parabenos, lo que significa que son lo suficientemente suaves como para ser utilizados en extensiones de cabello.

  • A todo el mundo le viene bien.

  • Al equilibrar el pH y favorecer el microbioma del cuero cabelludo, este champú puede ayudar a aliviar problemas del cuero cabelludo como la caspa y los picores.

  • Al igual que el resto de nuestros productos, nuestro champú no contiene sustancias químicas nocivas y está elaborado con ingredientes nutritivos de alta calidad, como el aceite de coco, para garantizar el mejor cuidado del cabello y el cuero cabelludo.

A nossa história

Fundada por Cassandra Thurswell, natural do Wisconsin, aos 25 anos de idade, a Kitsch é uma potência global de beleza baseada na positividade e no puro trabalho árduo. A marca apoia a sua comunidade em crescimento com soluções de beleza fáceis e elevadas que são totalmente fiáveis, verdadeiramente especiais e feitas da forma mais sustentável possível. Tendo começado em 2010 com um plano de negócios que não ultrapassava um parágrafo, a Kitsch fornece agora uma gama completa de produtos de beleza favoritos em mais de 20.000 locais de venda a retalho em todo o mundo. Uma empresária proeminente apresentada na Forbes e na Inc., Cassandra continua a criar soluções de beleza elevadas e sustentáveis para cada momento do dia.