컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바
컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바
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컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바
컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바
컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바
컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바
컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바
컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바

컬러 트리티드 & 흰머리용 퍼플 토닝 샴푸 바

정가 ¥2,900
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Money back guarantee 90일 반품 가능
  • ビオチンを配合した世界初の紫色の固形シャンプーバー!
  • 金髪、白髪、白髪にも安全: カラー・トリートメント、ハイライト、ナチュラル。
  • 不要な光沢感を中和するとイエローのアンダートーン。
  • を豊富に含んでいる。 ビオチンが輝きを増し、くすみを抑え、強化する。あなたの髪
  • より滑らかで、より強く、より生き生きとしたブロンドヘアをお楽しみください。一回使っただけで
  • PHバランス そしてカラーリングした髪にも安全
  • 無料パラベン、フタル酸エステル、シリコン、硫酸塩、人工香料
  • 使い捨てプラスチックを減らす: 液体シャンプー・リンスを2本節約
  • アメリカ製良質の材料で
  • 4ocean認定:について すべてのシャンプーまたはコンディショナー・バー, 4oceanを引っ張る。 シャンプーボトル1本分のプラスチック世界の海、川、海岸線から

不要なブラッシーさを中和する方法:髪とバーを濡らし、髪の長さから毛先に向かって "塗る "ようになじませます。



비오틴으로 헤어케어 루틴을 강화하여 부드럽고 곱슬거림 없는 윤기로 더 강하고 두꺼워 보이는 머리카락을 만들어보세요.

캐스터 오일

모발을 뿌리부터 끝까지 강화하고 두피의 균형을 맞춰 깨끗하고 건강한 머리카락을 위한 오일인 캐스터 오일로 영양을 공급하세요.

私たちはLeaping Bunnyの認証を受けています!Leaping Bunnyロゴは、表示されている製品の開発に新たな動物実験が行われていないことを消費者に保証する、国際的に認められた唯一のシンボルです。


1. ブラッシーな色調を中和する




3. 輝きを加える


4. この種のものとしては初めて


Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 882 reviews
Reviews Summary
Customers say this shampoo bar lathers exceptionally well and leaves hair soft, clean, and fuller. They praise how this product effectively reduces brassiness in gray and blonde hair while improving shine. The pleasant scent is frequently mentioned, though a few note it's strong. Most report their hair feels healthier, with better manageability, though some needed time to adjust to the bar format.
96%would recommend this product
Slide 1 selected
882 reviews
  • MM
    Meyling M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Brassy, Frizzy, Thinning
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients, Boosts Shine, Reduces Dullness, Neutralizes Brassiness
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Great shampoo for Gray Hair

    I love this gray toning shampoo. It leaves my hair feeling so soft and shiny and the yellowing is gone! I also love the way it is made. So convenient for travel without having to carry bottles! I will definitely buy it again and I definitely recommend it to anyone who has gray hair.

  • KL
    Karalee L.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning, Frizzy, Itchy Scalp, Weak, Other
    Product Standouts Strengthens, Boosts Shine, Neutralizes Brassiness
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    11 months ago
    Great Results!

    Been using the purple toning shampoo and see my hair is much brighter and healthier. Also it has started to thicken. I am thrilled and will continue to use along with the Rice Protein bar.

  • AM Profile picture for Amanda M.
    Amanda M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Chemically Treated, Brassy, Damaged, Weak
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients, Strengthens, Neutralizes Brassiness, Boosts Shine
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago

    I was skeptic regarding this soap style shampoo and conditioner, but I had no need to been. This product is wonderful. My hair feels so different after my old bottle shampoo . My hair feel light and not weigh down, by product. It last longer between washes and in all I am very impressed, so much so I have ordered another couple of bars. Thank you 🙏 for such a great product highly recommend to try. 🙂 plus my hair has never been so shiny

  • MC Profile picture for Mj C.
    Mj C.
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Damaged, Dry, Itchy Scalp, Thinning, Frizzy
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients, Boosts Shine, Reduces Dullness, Neutralizes Brassiness, Strengthens
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago
    Design spells SUPER!!

    Love it! Very foamy and easy to handle! Feel a cleansing sensation with just a little. Very grateful I purchased both shampoo and Cleanser!

  • J Profile picture for Johnnie
    I recommend this product
    Product Standouts Boosts Shine, Reduces Dullness, Neutralizes Brassiness, Strengthens, Great Ingredients
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Purple soap bar

    This is the first time I've used a soap bar. Blet me tell you it's amazing. Does a gemtle lauer of purple to cover yellow tomes. I'm letting my white hair grow out and this really works for me. Has a nice clean smell. Hopefully it will continue to do the trick. Just be patient with the product you use. Thanks a bunch. Love ❤️ 😍 it

  • MP
    Michele P.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Amazing hair thickener

    Love this bar - great for travel and it really does work my hair is now thick and luxurious would recommend I bought my daughter a bar xx

  • C
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Brassy, Itchy Scalp, Chemically Treated
    Product Standouts Neutralizes Brassiness, Reduces Dullness, Boosts Shine, Great Ingredients, Strengthens
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Blending greys

    Totally amazed how a soap on my hair has worked! Made my hair softer & after 2nd wash blended with my streaked & natural hair to give it a platinum blonde colour! Just amazing!!!!

  • DB Profile picture for Deidra B.
    Deidra B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Damaged, Weak, Other, Dry, Brassy
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients, Strengthens, Boosts Shine, Reduces Dullness, Neutralizes Brassiness
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Amazing product!

    Made our hair so shiny and soft

  • A Profile picture for Alejandra
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Frizzy
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    So perfect

    I have been trying to switch to shampoo bar for years,

    Never liked other formulas.

    This has been a great product diacovery for me.

    Same as botled shampoo and conditioner.

    Texture and volume in hair are amazing.

  • DF Profile picture for Desiree F.
    Desiree F.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Sensitive Scalp
    Product Standouts Strengthens, Boosts Shine
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Love it

    Easy to use, nice and foamy, leaves my hair bouncy

자주 묻는 질문

  • 髪質や洗髪の頻度にもよるが、すぐに効果が出る人もいれば、数週間で効果が出始める人もいる。

  • でも、私たちの言葉を鵜呑みにしないでください!私たちのシャンプーとコンディショナー・バーを使っているあらゆる年齢層の何千もの5つ星レビューをご覧ください。

  • でも、私たちの言葉を鵜呑みにしないでください!私たちのシャンプーとコンディショナー・バーを使っているあらゆる年齢層の何千もの5つ星レビューをご覧ください。

  • 髪の質は人それぞれなので、自分に合うものが見つかるまで試行錯誤が必要だ。髪の根元と頭皮から毛先まで洗えるくらいの量から始めてください。効果が見られない場合は、洗髪時に多めにつけることをおすすめします。

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위스콘신 출신의 Cassandra Thurswell이 25세의 나이에 설립한 Kitsch는 긍정성과 순수한 노력에 기반을 둔 글로벌 뷰티 강자입니다. 이 브랜드는 완전히 신뢰할 수 있고 진정으로 특별하며 가능한 한 지속 가능하게 만들어진 간편하고 고급스러운 뷰티 솔루션으로 성장하는 커뮤니티를 지원합니다. 2010년에 한 단락도 되지 않는 사업 계획으로 시작한 Kitsch는 현재 전 세계 20,000개 이상의 매장에서 다양한 뷰티 인기 제품을 공급하고 있습니다. ForbesInc. 에 소개된 저명한 기업가인 Cassandra는 하루의 모든 순간을 위한 고급스럽고 지속 가능한 뷰티 솔루션을 계속해서 만들어냅니다.