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  • 米のとぎ汁を配合。 傷んだ毛根を修復し、枝毛を防ぐ
  • 米プロテイン が示されている。 5回の洗髪で髪のボリュームが20%アップ*
  • 栄養たっぷりのクレンジングを与える 髪全体の長さと密度を高める
  • 輝きを増す パサついた髪に
  • 無料パラベン、フタル酸エステル、シリコン、硫酸塩、人工香料
  • 使い捨てプラスチックの削減液体シャンプー/コンディショナーを2本節約できる。



キッチュは4ocean認定クリーンアップ・パートナーです。 について シャンプーやコンディショナーを購入するたびに,4オーシャンは シャンプーボトル1本分のプラスチック世界の海、川、海岸線から。

シャンプーそして コンディショナーセット

  • 1x 強化ライスウォーターシャンプーバー
  • 1x ライスウォーター・コンディショナー・バー

If your hair tends to feel stiff, dry or brittle with protein-rich products, your hair type may be prone to protein overload and you should alternate in routine with a moisture-rich product, such as our Moisturizing Coconut Oil Shampoo & Conditioner. To determine if your hair is prone to protein overload, check out our Hair Protein Sensitivity Test Chart.

Rice Water Protein

Rice Water Protein promotes balanced and faster growth while infusing your hair with the strength it needs for luscious volume.

Vitamins B, C and E

Elevate your hair care ritual with the enriching trio of Vitamins B, C, and E, fostering a nourishing environment that stimulates hair growth and ensures a healthier, renewed texture.

Amino Acids

Nourish your hair from within with Amino Acids, the building blocks that strengthen and support growth, giving you hair that's not only healthy but naturally vibrant and resilient.


1. 成長を支える




3. 平滑化




Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 15,019 reviews
95%would recommend these products
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15,019 reviews
  • CT
    Candace T.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    This is saving my daughters hair and bringing her confidence back

    I just have to scream from the rooftops as to what these products are doing for my girls hair. A little backstory, my 15 year old daughter who was a freshman last year got placed into the wrong algebra class it was more advanced for her and she already struggles with math but she was steady holding a B high C then in April she got extremely sick and missed over a week of school. So she fell behind. So over the next few weeks she worked so hard to get her grade back up, while also finishing up theater for their spring musical and the rest of their classes. It was a very long few weeks. All of this stress led to stress induced alopecia 😔😔 her doctor told her to take some vitamins and to find methods to reduce stress and that her hair will start to grow back in about six months. She was devastated by this. We offered wigs, we offered some hair growth treatments but she said no she was worried people would be able to tell. So I searched out the help of FB and these products came so heavily recommended so I thought, why not and ordered the rice water set and the rosemary oil. She has been using them for just over six weeks now and she uses them 3x a week atleast. She has so much new hair growth I tell her she has her own mullet now but it blends in so it doesn’t stand out. We had to cut off about 6 inches a week ago to make it look fuller on the ends and I don’t know how the new hair growth is going to look in a few months with her current hair but we will navigate through that…

  • SM
    Susan M.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    Saved my hair!

    Progress with Kitsch bars! First picture is tonight (Sep 24), second is June 2024, third is January 2024, fourth is November after starting with rice protein s/c alternating with castor oil / shea, purple s/c and most recently rosemary s /c. Final pic is how bad my huge part was in May 2023 before starting Kitsch in October.

    Been using the rosemary scalp oil but I got lazy about it recently with the rosemary bars. I alternate in the bond repair bar once a month and toss in tea tree every few weeks just to deal with excess junk.

    As you can see, I started with a really huge part and it’s grown in a LOT from October 2023 to September 2024.

  • R
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Frizzy
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Boosts Shine, Lathers Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago

    I wanted to switch from plastic bottles to shampoo bars last year. Kitsch kept coming up on my Instagram, all about how rice water protein promotes hair growth. I was too lazy to dive into extensive research about shampoo bars, so I just bought this one to make the switch. I never cared for or expected the hair growth claims to be true; I assumed it was just a marketing ploy. I've never been proven more wrong in my life.

    Since the switch last summer, my hair has grown at such an unprecedented rate that I'm considering switching to one of their different bars just so I can stop getting my hair cut! Not only is the length constantly growing, but my baby hairs, which have framed my face since the beginning of time, are officially adult hairs. I have never seen anything like it before. I have a full-on set of bangs just from the baby hairs becoming adult hairs. It's insane.

    Please believe the hype. If you are looking for hair growth, this is your shampoo for life.

  • JH
    Julie H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning, Chemically Treated, Frizzy
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Lathers Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Great product

    I’m 51 and wash, blow dry and straighten my hair every day plus I my dye it every 3/4 weeks so thought that if I use this rice water protein bar rather than my usual smoothing shampoo on my hair it will turn into a big ball of frizz but has left it feeling soft, silky and a little bit more fuller which is great. I bought this as since I started going through the menopause 6 years ago my hair has become a lot thinner and not growing as fast so have been pleasantly surprised. Only been using it for two weeks so am looking forward to seeing what the results are in like in a few months time. May be tempted to try the conditioner next too.

  • JR Profile picture for Joan R.facebook logo
    Joan R.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Reversed my Covid hair loss

    My main go-to are the Rice Water Protein Shampoo & Conditioner bars. I lost quite a bit of hair after having Covid. After hearing about these products I decided to give them a try. I have had a lot of new growth since using these and my hair looks great! As an occasional alternative, I also use the Castor Oil Shampoo & Conditioner.

    I travel in a van. These bars work so well for my hair but are also space savers in my tiny van. I have used my Castor Oil Shampoo as a body wash too. All my bars fit into a few Travel Cubes. So convenient and they keep my bars dry so that they last a long time. Love my Kitsch products!

  • CH
    Charity H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning, Dry, Itchy Scalp, Frizzy, Weak
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Great Ingredients, Helps prevent split ends, Strengthens, Boosts Shine
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Love these bars!

    It was kinda weird getting started using the bars, they're just so different than bottle products, but after a cpl times of usage I got the hang of it. My hair feels so much cleaner and softer and my thinness is disappearing!! So thrilled with the results even after only 6wks of use.

  • VA
    Vix, A.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Lathers Well, Strengthens, Reduces Breakage
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago

    As a woman with PCOS, my hair was thinning noticeably at the temples (my right side more so than my left side for some reason) and constantly falling out. However, after only one month of using the Rice Water Shampoo Bar I have noticed new hair growth coming through... I'm blown away! I feel like I'm gaining my confidence back - my hair has never looked healthier! I can't wait to see the transformation as I continue to use the Rice Water Shampoo Bar. I have just ordered two more 😜 I rave about this product to everyone who will listen. Thank you Kit·sch 🙏 😍

  • LT Profile picture for Lynda T.facebook logo
    Lynda T.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Damaged, Chemically Treated, Thinning
    Product Standouts Helps prevent split ends, Detangles, Conditions Well, Increases Hair Growth, Boosts Volume
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Best Ever

    I was unsure about bar shampoo and conditioner- BUT WOW KITSCH has definitely made me a huge fan of thier bars. I felt my hair starting to thin with age and the rice bars after 3-4 uses showed a huge positive improvement in my hair…. It is growing stronger and thicker as well as healthier. I would highly recommend these products to everyone!!! You will notice a difference in first use and great differences after 3-4 regular uses. I am a loyal customer for life they saved my hair! Thank you Kitsch!!!💕💕💕

  • DB
    Deidra B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Damaged, Weak, Other
    Product Standouts Boosts Shine, Strengthens, Increases Hair Growth, Helps prevent split ends, Reduces Breakage
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Kitsch Has transformed my hair!!

    Thank you for transforming my hair!!

    Its stronger, thicker, so shiney, and the growth is crazy!! My hair is restored and long again!! Thank you!! My hair has grown so much in the last 3 months. 🩷 i have all my friends odering now:)

    I am forever a customer. Never going back to drug store chemicals again.

  • ES
    Ellen S.
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Sensitive Scalp, Chemically Treated
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients, Repairs Damage, Detangles, Boosts Volume, Conditions Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    Shampoo Bars & Conditioner Bars


    I never thought I would write a review about a product... but here I am.

    Going through menopause and taking cancer medication really took a toll on my hair. And made my scalp very sensitive. I was looking for something with natural ingredients for health reasons. After seeing your ads on Facebook, I decided to give them a try.

    I started using the shampoo & conditioner bars in April of this year. I noticed a difference immediately. A few weeks later I was at the salon and my hairdresser noticed as difference immediately. The next time I came in she asked what I was doing differently. I told her about these shampoo & conditioner bars... she

    was sold and order the sample set.

    She is now telling all her clients about Kitsch products and has multiple clients now using your products.

    I have tried multiple combination of your products and so far, I love them all.


  • 髪質や洗髪の頻度にもよるが、すぐに効果が出る人もいれば、数週間で効果が出始める人もいる。

  • でも、私たちの言葉を鵜呑みにしないでください!私たちのシャンプーとコンディショナー・バーを使っているあらゆる年齢層の何千もの5つ星レビューをご覧ください。

  • はい!どのバーが自分に合っているか迷っているなら、サポート・チームにあなたの髪質をお伝えください。

  • 髪の質は人それぞれなので、自分に合うものが見つかるまで試行錯誤が必要だ。髪の根元と頭皮から毛先まで洗えるくらいの量から始めましょう。効果が見られない場合は、洗髪時に多めにつけることをおすすめします。

  • 定期購読を申し込むと、自動的にカードに請求されますので、設定すれば忘れることができます。解約はいつでも可能です。

  • 私の注文は安全ですか?

  • 配送にかかる時間は、チェックアウト時に選択した配送方法によって異なります。ほとんどのご注文は即日発送されます! ご注文の処理には最大2営業日かかります。ご注文は祝日を除く月曜日から金曜日までに処理されます。ご注文が発送されると、運送会社の追跡番号が記載された確認メールが送信されます。お荷物を紛失された場合は、Kitschサポートまでご連絡ください。

  • 定期購入なら、お得にお買い物が楽しめ、送料無料で商品をお届けします。この方法なら、使い切ることはありません!

  • ライスウォーター・シャンプーとコンディショナーは、髪を強くし、輝きを与えたい方に適しています。米のとぎ汁にはアミノ酸とビタミンが豊富に含まれており、髪の質感と弾力性を向上させるので、傷んだ髪や弱い髪の方には特に効果的です。ただし、効果には個人差がありますので、パッチテストや専門家にご相談されることをお勧めします。

  • 多孔質、タンパク質過敏症、化学処理された髪(カラーリングした髪など)をお持ちの方は、ライスウォーターシャンプー&コンディショナーの使用を制限したほうがいいかもしれません。そのような場合、髪は多孔質でタンパク質過多になりやすく、髪がもろくなったり、パサついたり、重く感じたりする可能性があります。毎日のケアには、髪にやさしく栄養を与えるよう処方されたヒマシ油シャンプーとココナッツ油コンディショナーを試してみてはいかがでしょうか。


ウィスコンシン州出身のカサンドラ・サースウェルが25歳の時に設立したキッチュは、ポジティブさと純粋な努力の上に築かれた世界的なビューティー・パワーハウスである。このブランドは、完全に信頼でき、本当に特別で、可能な限り持続可能な方法で作られた、簡単で高度なビューティ・ソリューションで、成長するコミュニティをサポートしている。2010年、一段落にも満たないビジネスプランから始まったキッチュは、現在、世界中の2万以上の小売店で、お気に入りのビューティーアイテムを取り揃えている。フォーブス 誌やInc.誌で紹介された著名な起業家であるカサンドラは、1日のあらゆる瞬間のために、高水準で持続可能なビューティ・ソリューションを創造し続けている。