ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテンシュランチ 全ハウス4本セット
ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテンシュランチ 全ハウス4本セット
ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテンシュランチ 全ハウス4本セット
ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテンシュランチ 全ハウス4本セット
ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテンシュランチ 全ハウス4本セット

ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテンシュランチ 全ハウス4本セット

通常価格 RM61.00 MYR
ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテンシュランチ 全ハウス4本セット
Free shipping 当日または翌日発送
Money back guarantee 90日間返品
  • セット内容 ホグワーツ・ハウスの紋章をあしらったスリープ・スクランチー。
  • シルキーで摩擦のないサテン 縮れ毛、もつれ、ひっかかりを防ぐ寝ている間に
  • 切れ毛や薄毛から髪を守る。 しわのない優しいデザイン
  • ほとんどの髪質と髪質に最適




2. 透明マント


3. 髪に魔法をかける




Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 194 reviews
Reviews Summary
Customers say these scrunchies are exceptionally soft and pillow-like in texture. Many reviews mention their large, puffy size. While some note they can slip out during sleep, most find them gentle on hair during overnight wear. Common feedback includes their versatility for different hairstyles and hair types.
97%would recommend these products
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194 reviews
  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Hogwarts House Scrunchies

    Put Kitsch Satin on something and I will buy it. Especially if it is Harry Potter! I mostly wanted Ravenclaw, but got the set anyway because I decided to share with a friend. The house animals are beautiful printed on the scrunchies. The images are nice and clear. I love these designs so much, the moment these are made into Pillow Sleep Scrunchies and Masks, I will be getting them too!!

  • D
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Love these!

    These scrunchies are amazing. They are soft, fluffy, and they hold really well. I prefer to use these when I go to sleep. They don’t snag or pull either. I love the silky feel they provide and they just glide right of my hair.

  • SM Profile picture for Stacey M.
    Stacey M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Finally !!

    A scrunchie that I can actually sleep in and it not feel like my hair is being pulled. No headache either!!!! They are so soft and very fluffy !!! A must have if you sleep with your hair pulled back.

    Even if you don’t , they could easily be worn to dress up an up-do style. Beautifully made !

  • KS
    Kelly S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Best sleep scrunchie

    Love both colors and the thick satin keeps my hair in place and soft all night. I actually wear them during the day... they help with my migraines, too! Win-win!

  • J
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Absolutely obsessed!

    I’m pretty much speechless I adore these scrunchies so much. I love the color, love the design and anything Disney princess themed plus the quality is amazing as always. These make me feel like process for real !!!!

  • AL
    Anne L.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Game changer!

    These big satin scrunchies are a game changer. I have just past the shoulder long hair. I twist them in my wet hair, sleep and in the morning it takes 2 minutes instead of 12 to dry my hair. It’s perfectly straight and silky soft with a lot less heat. Anything that gives me 10 extra minutes in the day is fantastic! It’s my new go to!!

  • VP
    Vicki P.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Best hair scrunchies ever!

    I absolutely love the pillow scrunchies and already ordered 3 more boxes, in all the other colors!

    When I go to bed at night, I always wear my hair up in a pony tail on the top of my head, because my hair is long.

    Your satin pillow scrunchies are perfect for that, and I don’t feel like they are damaging my hair either!

  • NK
    Natesja K.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago

    these scrunchies are WAY bigger than i expected and i LOVEE THEM! they are so cute and soft, very fun to play with. i have very big curly 4b hair, so for the scrunchie to be so visible when i put it over my puff makes me genuinely so happy. i love these scrunchies so much!!

  • LN
    Lesa N.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Love These, and Perfect Name- Pillow!

    These are terrific, large, super soft and they do feel like a pillow scrunchy… they keep all of your hair up without pulling or feeling heavy. Great to use when putting on makeup or could even use for a night/day out… I like the Towel Scrunchies as well, but they are not as dressy…

  • SD
    Stephanie D.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Highly reccomend

    These are huge scrunchies with filling, like pillows for your hair. They add volume if you like to put your hair up in a messy bun. Soft, great colors.


  • ハリー・ポッター・コレクションは、在庫限りの期間限定販売です!

  • 配送にかかる時間は、チェックアウト時に選択した配送方法によって異なります。ほとんどのご注文は即日発送されます!ご注文の処理には最大2営業日かかります。ご注文は祝日を除く月曜日から金曜日までに処理されます。ご注文が発送されると、運送会社の追跡番号が記載された確認メールが送信されます。お荷物を紛失された場合は、Kitschサポートまでご連絡ください。

  • もちろんハリー・ポッター×キッチュ・コレクションは、あらゆる髪質に対応するようデザインされている。髪に優しく、効果的な製品なので、日常にディズニーの楽しさを加えたい方に最適です。

  • はい!これは、ハリー・ポッターとのライセンスコラボレーションなのだ。


ウィスコンシン州出身のカサンドラ・サースウェルが25歳の時に設立したキッチュは、ポジティブさと純粋な努力の上に築かれた世界的なビューティー・パワーハウスである。このブランドは、完全に信頼でき、本当に特別で、可能な限り持続可能な方法で作られた、簡単で高度なビューティ・ソリューションで、成長するコミュニティをサポートしている。2010年、一段落にも満たないビジネスプランから始まったキッチュは、現在、世界中の2万以上の小売店で、お気に入りのビューティーアイテムを取り揃えている。フォーブス 誌やInc.誌で紹介された著名な起業家であるカサンドラは、1日のあらゆる瞬間のために、高水準で持続可能なビューティ・ソリューションを創造し続けている。