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Rosemary Scalp & Hair Strengthening Oil With Biotin
Pre-wash Scalp Oil with Rosemary and Biotin


通常価格 $203.00
Free shipping 当日または翌日発送
Money back guarantee 90日間返品
  • 100%植物由来のオイル 定式化された ローズマリー抽出物とビオチン配合
  • サポート 頭皮の健康と髪の強度 根から先まで
  • 抗酸化物質ブレンドアルガンオイル、ホホバオイル、ヒマシ油髪と頭皮に栄養を与える
  • あらゆる髪質に対応頭皮の汚れを落とし、栄養を与える。
  • ラベンダーの香り自宅スパでリラックスしたひとときをお過ごしください。
  • ドロッパーは 再生プラスチック.
  • 米国製、ビーガン、無添加、リーピングバニー認証
  1. 塗布する前によく振る
  2. シャンプー前にお好みの量のオイルを頭皮と髪全体になじませます。洗髪前に10分間放置する。
  3. 毎日:手のひらにオイルを数滴とり、髪の中間から毛先にかけてなじませ、ツヤを与える。
Rosemary Extract

Rosemary Extract helps support your hair, starting at the scalp, by improving blood flow, nourishing hair follicles, and soothing irritation to encourage stronger, longer, softer hair.


Boost your haircare ritual with Biotin to help promote stronger, thicker-looking hair with a silky, frizz-free shine.

Argan, Jojoba & Castor Oils

This blend of antioxidant-rich oils helps deeply nourish, soothe, and balance your scalp for healthy hair growth.

私たちはLeaping Bunnyの認証を受けています!Leaping Bunnyロゴは、表示されている製品の開発において新たな動物実験が行われていないことを消費者に保証する、国際的に認められた唯一のシンボルです。


1. 毛髪の成長を促す


2. 抜け毛を防ぐ


3. フケを治療する


4. 髪のコンディションを整える


Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 689 reviews
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689 reviews
  • V
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    It works!

    . 42 year old male who has been thinning for over a decade. Can’t believe it works! Picture was taken 10 weeks apart. He is also a nail biter and noticed after a month that his nails were growing really well and looking healthy (probably because he applied with his hands before using the roller on his scalp.

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Magic in a bottle

    I started using this oil late last year in hope's of helping with my hair growth journey. I am a natural dark brunette but for a while had platinum blonde hair. It was over processed, brittle and very thin. I ended up doing a pretty big chop and took my hair back to a more natural colour. After using the rosemary and biotin oil before every shampoo for a few months I was amazed with the results. My hair was growing, it had less split ends, it was softer, shinier, thicker (because it wasn’t falling out and even less frizzy . After the amazing results I started seeing with the oil I dove head first into becoming a full kitsch user with shampoo, conditioner and another ultimate fav- the silk pillowcase. I want to share some photos of my hair while it was blonde and damaged and how my hair is today, during a recent photo shoot I had with my boyfriend- who raves about Kitsch as much as I do! I

    While looking at the photos I couldn’t believe how thick my hair was! I love this company so much!!! They don’t have a single product that misses!!! Kitsch is simply the best and it’s changed my hair game forever !!!

  • JD Profile picture for Julie D.facebook logo
    Julie D.
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Works great!!!

    Love this stuff. Really works . These photos are each one month apart

  • J
    Verified Reviewer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    11 months ago
    6 week update

    Smells beautiful! Used twice a week for 6 weeks now and love my results so far!! I am 14months PP and have had a hole in my hairline for years since my 1st baby hahah yay to no more hole!!

  • LS
    Lucia S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Sensitive Scalp, Damaged
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growrth, Strengthens, Adds Shine, Smells Great, Gentle
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Grew my postpartum hair back in a couple weeks

    This oil is amazing, I have been growing my postpartum hair loss back with this and I paired with the Rice Water Shampoo, and it just works wonders

  • A
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Great Results Already

    It seems like often a lot of supplements you get don’t do anything so I was shocked that this oil actually worked as advertised. I’m only a month in but in the mirror I felt like it was thicker but wasn’t sure if that’s just what my brain wanted to see. I waited 4 weeks to take a pic and to me it definitely is better. Encouraged what next months may look like. I added the shampoo for month two

  • JH
    Jourdan H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Favorite hair product

    This hair oil has been the absolute best post partum product I could’ve asked for. Between 2-3 months post partum I started losing a ton of hair, mostly along my hair line. After I started using this my hairline started to fill in, my hair got thicker and shiner, and my hair loss is back to normal pre pregnancy levels. I recommend this to everyone!

  • J
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Forever thankful

    I am 6.5 months postpartum. I’ve been using Kitsch shampoo and conditioner for about 9.5 months and the rosemary scalp oil for about 2.5 months. I had really bad hair loss around my hairline starting about 2 months postpartum and the oil has helped so much! My hair line is pretty much completely filled back in now. I can’t believe how healthy my hair is since switching to Kitsch products. Forever thankful I found them!

  • SM
    Shannon M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago

    I’ve used the oil three times and I already see the baby hair growing! Me haire feels amazing! I recommend it!

  • MZ Profile picture for Marie Z.google logo
    Marie Z.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    I might be kissing eczema good-bye

    I have only been using this oil since 24-Aug so I do not have any photos to share progress since it is still pretty early, however I did want to write a review for this oil to speak on what I have noticed about my scalp health in regards to eczema I have had for 9 years.

    I was diagnosed with eczema in 2015 and whilst most of it has subsided, the bits which are left are isolated to my neck upward. I have used a prescription shampoo every other week for the last 5 years to combat the scalp eczema which is left. I've long known that RX shampoo was only to treat the condition and was doing NOTHING to protect my hair, much less the overall health of my scalp, so I have been looking for a way to get off of it for a while now. I definitely prefer a more natural, holistic approach to handling it.

    Enter the scalp oil. I am a once per week washer as my hair simply does not build up oil more quickly than this, so I follow what my hair and scalp are telling me. In the past, I would typically begin to notice dryness and flakiness from the eczema around my temples and on either side at the nape of my neck on approx. day 3 or 4 post-wash (likely because my body wanted me to use that awful rx shampoo again simply for treatment), and whilst I was curious if the oil would lessen these symptoms, I was not necessarily hopeful.

    A couple of weeks ago, as I sectioned my hair to oil it on wash day, I noticed exactly NO FLAKES AT ALL in the previously effected areas. I gasped and held my breath…


  • 髪質や洗髪の頻度にもよるが、すぐに効果が出る人もいれば、数週間で効果が出始める人もいる。

  • シャンプー前に頭皮に塗布するヘアオイルである。オイルが頭皮に栄養と潤いを与え、健康な髪の成長を促します。

  • はい!私たちのサポート・チームにあなたの髪質をお聞かせください。

  • スポイトで少量のオイルを頭皮に直接塗布する。オイルをなじませるようにマッサージし、シャンプー前に10分間放置する。

  • 定期購読を申し込むと、自動的にカードに請求されますので、設定すれば忘れることができます。解約はいつでも可能です。

  • カラーリングした髪にも使えますか?

  • 最良の結果を得るためには、髪と頭皮のニーズに応じて、週に1~2回の使用をお勧めします。

  • 頭皮の乾燥やかゆみを和らげ、フケと闘い、髪全体の健康を改善するのに役立つ。


ウィスコンシン州出身のカサンドラ・サースウェルが25歳の時に設立したキッチュは、ポジティブさと純粋な努力の上に築かれた世界的なビューティー・パワーハウスである。このブランドは、完全に信頼でき、本当に特別で、可能な限り持続可能な方法で作られた、簡単で高度なビューティ・ソリューションで、成長するコミュニティをサポートしている。2010年、一段落にも満たないビジネスプランから始まったキッチュは、現在、世界中の2万以上の小売店で、お気に入りのビューティーアイテムを取り揃えている。フォーブス 誌やInc.誌で紹介された著名な起業家であるカサンドラは、1日のあらゆる瞬間のために、高水準で持続可能なビューティ・ソリューションを創造し続けている。