Spilla per capelli francese in ematite
Spilla per capelli francese in ematite
Spilla per capelli francese in ematite
Spilla per capelli francese in ematite
Spilla per capelli francese in ematite
Spilla per capelli francese in ematite

Spilla per capelli francese in ematite

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
61 Reviews
Prezzo di listino ¥2,100
Money back guarantee 90 GIORNI DI RESTITUZIONE
  • この簡単な方法で、髪を後ろにねじりましょう。 フレンチ・ヘアピン
  • 滑らかな金属仕上げ あなたの髪をすべるに対して 簡単アップスタイル
  • で作られている。 軽量金属素材への 光沢のある黒の光沢を加える なめらかなヘアスタイルに
  • 瞬時に切り替え髪を下ろした状態から髪を上げた状態まで。 なめらかなバレリーナ・バン、乱れた髷、ロマンチックなハーフアップ
  • 持ち運びが簡単-このピンバッジを財布に入れておく。 外出先でのヘアアップ
  • 堅牢な軽量亜鉛合金素材使用後もピンの形と色合いを保ちます。


1. あらゆるスタイルへのショートカット


2. 強く、安全


3. 1本のピンですべてをこなす


4. 一日中快適


Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 61 reviews
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61 reviews
  • JK
    Jacqueline K.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago

    Surprisingly big and super sturdy! I was kind of surprised because I have waist length hair but this pin held all of my hair securely. Definitely recommend.

  • MR
    MariaRose R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    11 months ago
    French Twist Hair Pin

    a nice fancier way to pin-twist up my hair without needing a hair holder band. I have seen these used in old-fashioned styled hair but only the pin holders have disappeared and are suddenly back in use. This item makes your hair look elegant without much fuss.

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Love it

    I have really long curly hair and have never been able to get claw clips to feel comfortable… but with the frank hair pin I get that same look and can wear it all day!

  • MG
    Mary G.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 days ago
    What I've been looking for!

    I'm so happy.

    I have quite thick but silky hair so it never stays up in claw clips. When I've tried to do a bun (using a million hair grips!) it never stays...... but this french pin is good quality and holds my hair up so well. It's become my everyday updo that looks so classy but is really easy to do. Thank you!

  • A Profile picture for Amalie
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 months ago
    Love IT!!!

    I never tried a pairpin before and I don't think i am very good normally putting my hair up, but I just recieved this today and in third attempt I did this! Strong hold and the curved shape was comfortable and hid the ends safely. I wore it all day without any problem. Even though it is also pretty in itself I really liked this style where I actually got to hide it completely in the hair. So I am so happy that I got this. My man was also very impressed as he knows how hard a time I have with hairdos. He also give it five stars👍✨️

  • E Profile picture for Elizabeth
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago

    I absolutely love this hair pin. It has excellent hold and creates a beautiful updo look. If you want to feel like a boss babe, this is the accessory for you!

  • LJ
    Lourdes joy S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    My favorite hair accessory

    I have been fascinated with the french hair pin. Tried my best to learn how to use it. Bought one for my birthday and im happy with my purchase. Shout out to kitsch customer service for sending a replacement when my purchased tarnished after a few months of use with care. I love how sophisticated it made my hair buns look. Thank you kitsch for another one of your great products.

  • L
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago
    Love it

    Love the French hairpin, very stylish. I am a learner though and my hair is only shoulder length so need to use a hair tie still.

    Also great service, thank you 😊

  • H Profile picture for Holly
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    For the girlies who tried Amazon first


    I know that clean girl is out and mob wife is in, but French pins still deliver. If you’ve tried getting French pins for donuts on various online websites or tried finding them in the usual suspect beauty/drug stores and fell short this pin and dare I say brand is for you. This thing is huge and will actually hold your hair up, reference pics for scale iykyk

    Ty <3

  • M
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Beautiful pin

    I love this pin. It looks very elegant and effortless.

    I have many different brands french pins, but this one is just perfect.

Domande frequenti

  • フレンチヘアピンは、歴史あるヘアアクセサリーだ!19世紀のフランスでシニヨンを結ぶためにデザインされたものだが、今日ではアップスタイルをキープしつつ、パリのエレガンスを漂わせるために使われている。

  • なめらかで丈夫なつくりと、ほとんどの髪質に対応するしっかりとしたグリップが自慢。スタイリッシュなデザインと軽い使用感で、ヘアケアコレクションに欠かせないアイテムです。

  • トップノット、後れ毛を出したお団子、ハーフアップ、その他のスタイルを固定するのに使います。どんなヘアスタイルも、フレンチテイストをさりげなくプラスできる万能デザイン。

  • 細い髪でも、太い髪でも、巻き髪でも、ストレートヘアでも、髪を傷めることなく心地よくしっかりホールドできるように作られています。ただし、髪がサラサラしていたり、滑りやすかったりする場合は、さらなるサポートが必要かもしれません。

  • ピンの輝きと耐久性を保つために、柔らかい布で拭いてください。スタイリッシュなアクセサリーとして長持ちさせるために、刺激の強い化学薬品は避けてください。

La nostra storia

Fondata da Cassandra Thurswell, originaria del Wisconsin, all'età di 25 anni, Kitsch è una forza di bellezza globale costruita sulla positività e sul puro lavoro. Il marchio sostiene la sua comunità in crescita con soluzioni di bellezza semplici ed elevate, totalmente affidabili, veramente speciali e realizzate nel modo più sostenibile possibile. Iniziata nel 2010 con un business plan non più lungo di un paragrafo, Kitsch fornisce oggi una gamma completa di prodotti di bellezza in oltre 20.000 punti vendita in tutto il mondo. Imprenditrice di spicco, citata da Forbes e Inc, Cassandra continua a creare soluzioni di bellezza elevate e sostenibili per ogni momento della giornata.