Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty
Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty

Pacchetto da collezione Kitsch x Hello Kitty

Prezzo scontato ¥33,200 Prezzo di listino ¥36,900
Money back guarantee 90 GIORNI DI RESTITUZIONE

これまでで最もキュートなコレクションに「こんにちは」とご挨拶を: キッチュ×ハローキティ!ハローキティの明るく陽気なスピリットにインスパイアされた、スリープ&スタイリング・エッセンスの限定ラインナップ。ベッドタイムの準備は サテン枕カバーそれは 髪を整え、保護する。

  • に役立つ。 縮れ毛を整え、切れ毛を減らす睡眠中の摩擦を減らす
  • ヘルプ 吹き出物を減らす水分や汚れの吸収が少ない
  • に役立つ。 顔のしわを防ぐ寝起き
  • 涼しい徹夜
  • 肌、髪、まつ毛、眉毛にやさしい
  • OEKO-TEX® 認定:これは、当社のサテンが 安全、持続可能、環境にやさしい
  • 標準サイズの枕カバー(26インチx19インチ)


  • ハローキティ×キッチュ サテン枕カバー ピンク ハローキティの顔
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ・サテン枕カバー リボンの海で水浴びするハローキティ
  • ハローキティ × Kitsch/キッチュ サテン枕カバー 無地 アイボリー ハローキティ・リボン
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ サテン枕カバー 無地 ピンク ハローキティ フェイス
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ リサイクルプラスチック弓型爪クリップ 1個
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ リサイクル布製パフスクランチー3本セット
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ リサイクルプラスチック製 ジャンボオープン型爪クリップ 1個 - ハローキティ フェイス
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ リサイクルプラスチック製 ジャンボオープン型爪クリップ 1個 - ピンク ハローキティの顔
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ リサイクルプラつめクリップ 1コ入 - ハローキティ
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ リサイクルプラつめクリップ 1コ入 ハローキティフェイス
  • ハローキティ×キッチュ XLヒートレスカールセット ピンク ハローキティの顔





2. 限定版


3. 髪に良い


4. 環境に優しい必需品


Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 1,559 reviews
98%would recommend these products
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1,559 reviews
  • JE
    Jen E.
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago
    Not only adorable!

    I purchased this and the all red hair claw. They are sturdy and hold a strong grip in my thick hair. Super pleased with this purchase! 🩷🎀🩷

  • MO Profile picture for Meghan O.
    Meghan O.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    How long is your hair? Long
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago

    I love how full it makes my curls.

    Woke up with my hair...Rated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Hello Kitty Scrunchie Fun!

    These scrunchies are so cute!! I am actually wearing thr scrunchie now! The satin is so soft and gentle on my hair. Great for sleeping and out on the town looks. I love the pink!!

  • JH
    Jourdan H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    So adorable!

    My daughter loved these. Great quality!

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Red Bow Claw Clip

    Hello Kitty's iconic red bow in Kitsch Claw Clip form!! Absolutely adorable! Great for a pop of red to any outfit. Holds my hair well all day long. It is now a favorite among my clips.

  • MB
    Marjorie B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Perfect pillowcases

    These are Pillowcases are just wonderful. They’re luxurious and they make my bed look so Much better that I don’t even use pillow shams anymore. They look rich and they feel rich. They’re cool to the touch and those zippers are fabulous. I LOVE never having to see my pillow hanging out. This is not my first order, I have been using these pillowcases for at least two years and they hold up to weekly washing and drying.

  • M
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Love them

    They are very soft and dont harm my hair at all. Way better though for ladies with thick hair then fine hair, as they are pretty big.

  • M
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Very cute

    Adorable hairclip, very well made, but teeth could be a bit shorter so it’s easier to clip the hair. Or maybe it’s just fine hair girl problem.

  • CH
    Cynthia H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    How long is your hair? Long
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Great curls!

    This is my 4th one of these type of curlers but my first Kitsch one. I was attracted to it because of the flat piece in the middle, which makes it very easy to clip in place with a flat claw clip — I actually use 2, one on each side of my part. No other one I’ve seen has that. When it came, I was happy to discover it has a wire inside. I’ve had NO luck with ones that don’t. While this one is not the most comfortable to sleep on (I’m a side sleeper), I manage and think it’s worth it. For best results, I wrap tightly, twist the ends towards the back of my head, tie them together and keep the clips in. It stays put all night. I do it once a week and my curls last!

    Woke up with my hair...Rated 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
    Ease of UseRated 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5
  • AS
    Allison S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    So, so cute!!

    I actually bought this clip for a friend. I have the black one and love it so much, that I knew she would enjoy the different colour.

Domande frequenti

  • ハローキティ・コレクションは、在庫限りの期間限定販売です!

  • 配送にかかる時間は、チェックアウト時に選択した配送方法によって異なります。ほとんどのご注文は即日発送されます!ご注文の処理には最大2営業日かかります。ご注文は祝日を除く月曜日から金曜日までに処理されます。ご注文が発送されると、運送会社の追跡番号が記載された確認メールが送信されます。お荷物を紛失された場合は、Kitschサポートまでご連絡ください。

  • 枕カバーは洗濯機で洗えます。枕カバーを裏返しにして、中性洗剤を使い、冷水でやさしく洗ってください。タンブラー乾燥または自然乾燥。

  • 蚕の繭からシルクを採取する高価で残酷なプロセスを必要とするシルクとは異なり、サテンは手頃な価格で、ビーガン、無農薬です。さらに、シルクと同じ冷却効果と滑らかさを持ちながら、より丈夫でお手入れも簡単です。

  • はい。お客様のプライバシーの保護は、当社の最優先事項のひとつです。弊社では、お客様の個人情報を安全に保管するために、多くのセキュリティ対策と業界標準の方法を使用しています。すべてのご注文と個人情報は、安全なサーバーで管理されています。クレジットカード番号、氏名、住所などの詳細は、SSL(Secure Socket Layer)技術によって送信されます。

La nostra storia

Fondata da Cassandra Thurswell, originaria del Wisconsin, all'età di 25 anni, Kitsch è una forza di bellezza globale costruita sulla positività e sul puro lavoro. Il marchio sostiene la sua comunità in crescita con soluzioni di bellezza semplici ed elevate, totalmente affidabili, veramente speciali e realizzate nel modo più sostenibile possibile. Iniziata nel 2010 con un business plan non più lungo di un paragrafo, Kitsch fornisce oggi una gamma completa di prodotti di bellezza in oltre 20.000 punti vendita in tutto il mondo. Imprenditrice di spicco, citata da Forbes e Inc, Cassandra continua a creare soluzioni di bellezza elevate e sostenibili per ogni momento della giornata.