Pacchetto Kitsch x Harry Potter Tassorosso
Pacchetto Kitsch x Harry Potter Tassorosso
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Pacchetto Kitsch x Harry Potter Tassorosso
Pacchetto Kitsch x Harry Potter Tassorosso
Pacchetto Kitsch x Harry Potter Tassorosso
Pacchetto Kitsch x Harry Potter Tassorosso

Pacchetto Kitsch x Harry Potter Tassorosso

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
78 Reviews
Prezzo scontato ¥13,200 Prezzo di listino ¥14,900
Money back guarantee 90 GIORNI DI RESTITUZIONE


  • 大きなアーチ型安心・安全 ほとんどの髪の長さと質感を保持し、太い髪や巻き毛も保持する。
  • 私たち自身の 雲にインスパイアされたデザインが、フルアップやハーフアップを格上げします。
  • 素材 環境に優しい再生プラスチックデイリールック
  • を助ける 縮れを抑え、切れ毛を減らす睡眠中の摩擦を減らす
  • ヘルプ 吹き出物を減らす水分や汚れの吸収が少ない
  • を助ける 顔のしわを防ぐ寝起き
  • 肌、髪、まつげ、眉毛にやさしい
  • 涼しい徹夜
  • OEKO-TEX® 認定:これは、当社のサテンが 安全、持続可能、環境にやさしい
  • クイーン/スタンダードサイズ枕カバー1枚付き(26インチx19インチ)
  • 1x ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ・サテン枕カバー スタンダード-ハッフルパフ
  • ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ サテン巻きヘアタオル ハッフルパフ
  • ハリー・ポッター×キッチュ リサイクルプラスチック爪クリップ 1個 -ハッフルパフ




2. 限定版


3. 髪に良い


4. 環境に優しい必需品


Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 78 reviews
96%would recommend these products
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78 reviews
  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    Hogwarts House Scrunchies

    Put Kitsch Satin on something and I will buy it. Especially if it is Harry Potter! I mostly wanted Ravenclaw, but got the set anyway because I decided to share with a friend. The house animals are beautiful printed on the scrunchies. The images are nice and clear. I love these designs so much, the moment these are made into Pillow Sleep Scrunchies and Masks, I will be getting them too!!

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    Sleep Like a Ravenclaw

    Love the border print design on the pillow case. The crest print is sharp and clear. The crest is on one side and the name of the house is on the other. I had to get two of this design! Just perfect for any Ravenclaw!

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago
    Favorite hair towel

    Love the feel of this hair towel. It fits all of my hair in it and doesn't feel snug. This also doesn't feel wet when I have my hair up like other towels that I have had in the past.

  • K Profile picture for Kate
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    In looove with my new pillows 😍

    So so happy with my gorgeous slytherin and navy blue Harry Potter pillow cases.

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Ravenclaw Approved

    I was skeptical when buying, but the actual product exceeded my expectations. The artistry on both sides of the pillowcase is beautiful. I’ve already washed them twice and there’s no sign of peeling or pilling. The satin was made out of a very thick material - making it extremely comfy. And the hidden zipper seamlessly holds it in place to maintain maximum comfort. I would definitely buy it again. And I LOVE the KitschxHP collab!! Would love to see more of it in the future

  • A Profile picture for Ashley
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Absolutely Adore

    This pillowcase exceeded my expectations. The material used is much thicker so it holds the pillowcase in place and is extremely soft and comfortable. The hidden zipper is perfect for preventing any sort of sliding. The art on the pillowcase is exactly as pictured. 10/10 would buy it again

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Absolutely In Love

    This is THE best pillowcase I have ever used. It’s extremely comfy and the hidden zipper keeps it in perfect place. The beautiful designs on both sides look exactly as pictured. I definitely would buy again

  • C
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Hair towel

    Love the hair towel. The quality of the material feels incredible to touch and on your head. Love the colour and design so much. Could also be used as a substitute bonnet for sleeping if you wanted. Love it so much glad I ordered this one and another design.

  • CR
    Crysthal Reyes R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 days ago
    Present for a HP fan!

    I got this pillowcase as a birthday present for one of my girlfriends! She loved it!! The quality is superb!

  • XM
    Xiang M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    Smooth and cute

    Looks nice and feels smooth. Only minor issue is that there are already small threads sticking out around the pillowcase.

Domande frequenti

  • ハリー・ポッター・コレクションは、在庫限りの期間限定販売です!

  • 配送にかかる時間は、チェックアウト時に選択した配送方法によって異なります。ほとんどのご注文は即日発送されます!ご注文の処理には最大2営業日かかります。ご注文は祝日を除く月曜日から金曜日までに処理されます。ご注文が発送されると、運送会社の追跡番号が記載された確認メールが送信されます。お荷物を紛失された場合は、Kitschサポートまでご連絡ください。

  • もちろんハリー・ポッター×キッチュ・コレクションは、あらゆる髪質に対応するようデザインされている。優しく効果的な製品なので、日常にディズニーの楽しさを加えたい方に最適です。

  • はい!これは、ハリー・ポッターとのライセンスコラボレーションなのだ。

  • 枕カバーは洗濯機で洗えます。枕カバーを裏返しにして、中性洗剤を使い、冷水でやさしく洗ってください。タンブラー乾燥または自然乾燥してください。

  • 蚕の繭からシルクを採取する高価で残酷なプロセスを必要とするシルクとは異なり、サテンは手頃な価格で、ビーガン、無農薬です。さらに、シルクと同じ冷却効果と滑らかさを持ちながら、より丈夫でお手入れも簡単です。

La nostra storia

Fondata da Cassandra Thurswell, originaria del Wisconsin, all'età di 25 anni, Kitsch è una forza di bellezza globale costruita sulla positività e sul puro lavoro. Il marchio sostiene la sua comunità in crescita con soluzioni di bellezza semplici ed elevate, totalmente affidabili, veramente speciali e realizzate nel modo più sostenibile possibile. Iniziata nel 2010 con un business plan non più lungo di un paragrafo, Kitsch fornisce oggi una gamma completa di prodotti di bellezza in oltre 20.000 punti vendita in tutto il mondo. Imprenditrice di spicco, citata da Forbes e Inc, Cassandra continua a creare soluzioni di bellezza elevate e sostenibili per ogni momento della giornata.