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I like that it helps lather the shampoo, plus being strong with push and pull of the bag when you use it directly to your hair.
These are really good to have in the shower as they are really handy to have right there to store and for the lathering up-I love that they are labelled too-they are gorgeous!
I purchased the shampoo, conditioner and body bar bags for my product s. I also have the shampoo, conditioner and body bar holder that suctions on to shower wall. I prefer the holder to the bag because I can get more product onto my hair when using. The bags good if you have hooks in your shower to hang the products on. I love the shampoo, conditioner and rosemary oil scalp conditioner. I have hair down to my booty and very picky about what products I use on it. I was also looking for a product that I could put in my carryon baggage when flying that did not have to put in my quart sized bag. Also, my hair stays cleaner longer avoiding having to wash my hair as often. Their hair clips, ties and styling brushes are also top notch !!!!! I love this company !!!
This bag is perfect for your shampoo bar, because they tend to get a little slippery when washing. They make it so much easier to hold onto your bar, also when it get so tiny you can use every little bit left. It holds them all together in a nice little package and distribute just enough. It helps keep my bar together, and makes sure I don't drop it from the silkiness of the bar because of the arm holder and I get to distribute the perfect amount of shampoo. It makes the usage of the bar so much easier and I love the bars and intent to keep using so I think its a must.
This shampoo bar bag is great to store your bar in the shower without the bar going soft. Love that you can hang it in the shower and not have to take the bar out to use. I have one for each bar I have purchased. Fantastic product, love Kitsch
I ❤️ the Kitsch bags I use to put my shampoo and conditioner bars in. They really help activate and lather up my shampoo bars and activate the conditioner bars allowing the products to move through my hair much more efficiently.
These bags are a no brainer. As I invest in additional hair products, I will get additional bags!
Perfect for those who live for organization 🥹❤️. I bought 3 of these, + more as gifts for people because I loved them so much.
Looooove the Shampoo Bar Bag!!Definitely a Must Have!So convenient and lasts longer as opposed to putting in a soap dish.It’s tagged “shampoo” so no mix ups with the conditioner.👍🏻👍🏻
First time using a bar of soap on my hair and I love it! Look at the new growth
I ordered multiple bags and I’m very pleased with them.
Η Kitsch, που ιδρύθηκε από την Cassandra Thurswell από το Ουισκόνσιν σε ηλικία 25 ετών, είναι μια παγκόσμια δύναμη ομορφιάς που βασίζεται στη θετικότητα και τη σκληρή δουλειά. Η μάρκα υποστηρίζει την αναπτυσσόμενη κοινότητά της με εύκολες, ανεβασμένες λύσεις ομορφιάς που είναι απόλυτα αξιόπιστες, πραγματικά ξεχωριστές και φτιαγμένες όσο το δυνατόν πιο βιώσιμα. Ξεκινώντας το 2010 με ένα επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο όχι μεγαλύτερο από μια παράγραφο, η Kitsch προμηθεύει σήμερα μια πλήρη γκάμα αγαπημένων προϊόντων ομορφιάς σε πάνω από 20.000 σημεία λιανικής πώλησης σε όλο τον κόσμο. Μια εξέχουσα επιχειρηματίας που παρουσιάστηκε στο Forbes και το Inc., η Cassandra συνεχίζει να δημιουργεί υπερυψωμένες, βιώσιμες λύσεις ομορφιάς για κάθε στιγμή της ημέρας.
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