Reiswasser-Shampoo-Riegel für das Haarwachstum

Reiswasser-Shampoo-Riegel für das Haarwachstum

Bewertet mit 4,8 von 5 Sternen
6,524 Bewertungen
Normaler Preis €17.95

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Money back guarantee 90 TAGE RÜCKGABERECHT
  • Mit Reiswasser formuliert, um geschädigte Haarfollikel zu reparieren und Spliss zu verhindern
  • Reisprotein erhöht nachweislich, das Haarvolumen um 20 % nach 5 Haarwäschen*
  • Bietet eine nährende Reinigung, um die allgemeine Haarlänge & Dichte zu fördern
  • Fördert den Glanz bei stumpfem, trockenem Haar
  • Frei von Parabenen, Phthalaten, Silikonen, Sulfaten und künstlichen Duftstoffen
  • PH-ausgewogen und sicher für coloriertes Haar
  • Reduziert Einwegplastik: spart zwei Flaschen Flüssigshampoo/Conditioner.
  • Hergestellt in den USA, Vegan, Tierversuchsfrei, Leaping Bunny zertifiziert
  • *Basierend auf der TRI-K Rice Tein NPNF-Studie nach 5 Wäschen
  • 4OCEAN ZERTIFIZIERT: Für jede Shampoo- oder Conditioner-Bar, zieht 4ocean das Äquivalent einer Shampoo-Flasche Plastik aus den Ozeanen, Flüssen und Küsten der Welt

Wird oft zusammen gekauft

Reiswasser-Shampoo-Riegel für das Haarwachstum +
Reiswasser-Conditioner-Riegel für das Haarwachstum +
Flaschenfreies Beauty-Reiseetui
Total price: €51.85
Reiswasser-Shampoo-Riegel für das Haarwachstum €17.95
Reiswasser-Conditioner-Riegel für das Haarwachstum €17.95
Flaschenfreies Beauty-Reiseetui €15.95

4 Gründe, warum Millionen Frauen auf Reiswasser umsteigen

1. unterstützt das Wachstum

Die darin enthaltenen Aminosäuren unterstützen die Regeneration der Haare und fördern ein schnelleres Haarwachstum. Es enthält die Vitamine B, C und E, die das Haarwachstum zusätzlich fördern.

2. Stärkung

So wie Protein dabei hilft, starke und gesunde Muskeln aufzubauen, soll das Protein im Reiswasser dazu beitragen, den Gesamtzustand der Haare zu verbessern.

3. Glätten

Beschädigtes Haar und Haar mit hoher Porosität haben Probleme, Feuchtigkeit zu speichern, was zu Kräuseln und Spliss führt. Die Proteine ​​im Reiswasser können dem entgegenwirken, Haarbruch reduzieren und die Haarstruktur verbessern.

4. ausgewogen

Obwohl Haare Feuchtigkeit brauchen, um gesund zu bleiben, kann ein Übermaß an Feuchtigkeit mehr schaden als nützen. Um übermäßig mit Feuchtigkeit versorgte Locken (auch bekannt als hygrale Ermüdung) wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen, versuchen Sie es mit einer Proteinbehandlung wie Reiswasser.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 8,772 reviews
Reviews Summary
Customers say this shampoo bar creates rich lather and leaves hair feeling soft and clean. Many reviews mention increased volume and manageability. While some note it can break apart during use, most praise its effectiveness. Frequent comments address the bar's convenience for travel and storage.
95%would recommend this product
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8,772 reviews
  • R
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Frizzy
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Boosts Shine, Lathers Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago

    I wanted to switch from plastic bottles to shampoo bars last year. Kitsch kept coming up on my Instagram, all about how rice water protein promotes hair growth. I was too lazy to dive into extensive research about shampoo bars, so I just bought this one to make the switch. I never cared for or expected the hair growth claims to be true; I assumed it was just a marketing ploy. I've never been proven more wrong in my life.

    Since the switch last summer, my hair has grown at such an unprecedented rate that I'm considering switching to one of their different bars just so I can stop getting my hair cut! Not only is the length constantly growing, but my baby hairs, which have framed my face since the beginning of time, are officially adult hairs. I have never seen anything like it before. I have a full-on set of bangs just from the baby hairs becoming adult hairs. It's insane.

    Please believe the hype. If you are looking for hair growth, this is your shampoo for life.

  • JH
    Julie H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning, Chemically Treated, Frizzy
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Lathers Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Great product

    I’m 51 and wash, blow dry and straighten my hair every day plus I my dye it every 3/4 weeks so thought that if I use this rice water protein bar rather than my usual smoothing shampoo on my hair it will turn into a big ball of frizz but has left it feeling soft, silky and a little bit more fuller which is great. I bought this as since I started going through the menopause 6 years ago my hair has become a lot thinner and not growing as fast so have been pleasantly surprised. Only been using it for two weeks so am looking forward to seeing what the results are in like in a few months time. May be tempted to try the conditioner next too.

  • CH
    Charity H.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning, Dry, Itchy Scalp, Frizzy, Weak
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Great Ingredients, Helps prevent split ends, Strengthens, Boosts Shine
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Love these bars!

    It was kinda weird getting started using the bars, they're just so different than bottle products, but after a cpl times of usage I got the hang of it. My hair feels so much cleaner and softer and my thinness is disappearing!! So thrilled with the results even after only 6wks of use.

  • VA
    Vix, A.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning
    Product Standouts Increases Hair Growth, Lathers Well, Strengthens, Reduces Breakage
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago

    As a woman with PCOS, my hair was thinning noticeably at the temples (my right side more so than my left side for some reason) and constantly falling out. However, after only one month of using the Rice Water Shampoo Bar I have noticed new hair growth coming through... I'm blown away! I feel like I'm gaining my confidence back - my hair has never looked healthier! I can't wait to see the transformation as I continue to use the Rice Water Shampoo Bar. I have just ordered two more 😜 I rave about this product to everyone who will listen. Thank you Kit·sch 🙏 😍

  • DB
    Deidra B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Damaged, Weak, Other
    Product Standouts Boosts Shine, Strengthens, Increases Hair Growth, Helps prevent split ends, Reduces Breakage
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    Kitsch Has transformed my hair!!

    Thank you for transforming my hair!!

    Its stronger, thicker, so shiney, and the growth is crazy!! My hair is restored and long again!! Thank you!! My hair has grown so much in the last 3 months. 🩷 i have all my friends odering now:)

    I am forever a customer. Never going back to drug store chemicals again.

  • G
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning, Damaged, Sensitive Scalp
    Product Standouts Great Ingredients, Helps prevent split ends, Boosts Shine, Lathers Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    Amazing results on day #1!!!

    Admittedly I was skeptical about investing in this the / kit*sch/ product line. The reviews seemed too good to be true & the price too great. I read review after review going into the comments 4 or more times over the past year!!! I finally went for the 25% off ALL items + free soap dish. WOW!! with the very 1st shampoo use, I was amazed with the amount of lather I was able to achieve!! I applied the shampoo after wetting my hair, soaked it on top, then lathered it, added a few stocks to the bottom 5" of my 15" long hair, brought it all up and into my entire head & hair. Allowed it to remain for about 2 minutes to get full benefit of providing nutrients for encouraging hair growth. Then did the same with conditioner, leaving that on for 6 minutes+. SILY, silky, silky after JUST the shampoo! I have used the shampoo & conditioner 3 times now. I have noticed improved hair quality, including the disappearance of split ends (after 1st wash).

  • DM
    Debbie M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Damaged, Dry, Frizzy, Weak, Thinning
    Product Standouts Boosts Shine, Lathers Well, Helps prevent split ends, Reduces Breakage, Great Ingredients
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago
    JUST WOW!!!

    This product is so awesome! I’m 59 years old and honestly my hair has never looked so good! I love it so much! My hair looks so much healthier and feels so good! I get compliments a lot!!! I’ll never go back to bottled shampoos! Kit.sch user for life!! 💯

  • K
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Thinning
    Product Standouts Lathers Well, Great Ingredients, Reduces Breakage
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago

    I’ve tried shampoo bars from companies I won’t name, and this product from Kitsch is BY FAR better quality and better priced. After just a few uses of this rice water shampoo bar along with the matching conditioner bar, my hair feels stronger and I’ve had less fallout. This product is 10/10 for quality, value for money, and scent. I highly highly recommend!

  • CS
    Coralie S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Thinning, Damaged, Weak
    Product Standouts Strengthens, Increases Hair Growth, Reduces Breakage, Great Ingredients, Lathers Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago
    Never switching back

    I have been dealing with an on-going health issue and was placed on medication that was making my hair fall out in clumps - especially when in the shower. I have lost about half my hair. Kitsch came up on Instagram and i was intrugued. I literally had nothing to lose and nothing else was working/helping.

    I have nearly finished my first bar and have just ordered 2 more! After the first week, i noticed a considerable amount of less hairfall, after 2 weeks, i hardly have any! my hair feels a lot stronger and so clean and fresh after each wash.

    I struggled at first to get it to lather but have worked it out and have not had any problems since. I wash my hair every other day and so the bar hasnt lasted as long (however, im sure my husband has also been using it) Im excited to see the results in a few months time :)

  • RM Profile picture for Raimonda M.
    Raimonda M.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Itchy Scalp, Sensitive Scalp
    Product Standouts Calms Scalp, Conditions Well, Smells Great, Moisturizes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Love it!

    I have issues with hard water which cause skin irritation and flakes on my head scalp. I have tried so many shampoo options but nothing worked. Only option was head&shoulders. Finally I found new solution Kitsch! My scalp is finally in good condition and my hair feels amazing!!!

    Kitsch you have your forever customer from now! ❤️

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Unsere Geschichte

Kitsch wurde im Alter von 25 Jahren von der in Wisconsin geborenen Cassandra Thurswell gegründet und ist ein globales Schönheitsunternehmen, das auf Positivität und purer harter Arbeit basiert. Die Marke unterstützt ihre wachsende Community mit einfachen, hochwertigen Beauty-Lösungen, die absolut zuverlässig, wirklich besonders und so nachhaltig wie möglich hergestellt sind. Kitsch begann im Jahr 2010 mit einem Geschäftsplan, der nur einen Absatz lang war, und liefert heute in über 20.000 Einzelhandelsstandorten weltweit ein komplettes Sortiment an Beauty-Favoriten. Cassandra ist eine prominente Unternehmerin, die von Forbes and Inc. vorgestellt wird und weiterhin hochwertige, nachhaltige Schönheitslösungen für jeden Moment des Tages kreiert.