Ultra Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash Bar ohne Duftstoffe
Ultra Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash Bar ohne Duftstoffe
Ultra Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash Bar ohne Duftstoffe
Ultra Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash Bar ohne Duftstoffe
Ultra Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash Bar ohne Duftstoffe
Ultra Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash Bar ohne Duftstoffe

Ultra Sensitive Shampoo & Body Wash Bar ohne Duftstoffe

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
227 Reviews
Normaler Preis ₩29,000
Money back guarantee 90 TAGE RÜCKGABERECHT
  • 2-in-1-MehrzweckgerätReinigungsseife pflegt Ihr Haar, Ihre Kopfhaut und Ihre Haut
  • Holen Sie sich gesundes, strahlendes Haar und Hautmit unserem besonderen5-Inhaltsstoff-Behandlung.
  • Klinisch getestet und sicher für empfindliches Haar, Haut und Kopfhaut.
  • Frei von aggressiven Chemikalien, Parabene, Phthalate, Silikone, Sulfate, Farbstoffe.
  • Frei von Duftstoffen
  • Reduziert Einwegplastik:spart zwei Flaschen flüssiges Shampoo/Spülung
  • PH ausgeglichenUndsicher für coloriertes Haar
  • Hergestellt in den USA, vegan, frei von Tierversuchen, Leaping Bunny-zertifiziert
  • 4OCEAN ZERTIFIZIERT:Fürjedes Shampoo oder jede Spülung, 4Ozeanzieht diedas entspricht dem Plastik einer Shampooflascheaus den Ozeanen, Flüssen und Küsten der Welt

So erzielen Sie Ergebnisse in Salonqualität:Befeuchten Sie Ihr Haar und reiben Sie den Seifenriegel zwischen Ihren Händen, bis er reichhaltig aufschäumt, oder „tragen“ Sie ihn direkt auf Ihre Kopfhaut auf.
Mit den Fingerspitzen einmassieren, dann ausspülen und nach Wunsch wiederholen.

Profi-Tipp:Kombinieren Sie es mit unserer Beauty Bar Bag.


Pflege dein Haar von den Wurzeln bis zu den Spitzen mit Hilfe von Rizinusöl, einem haarstärkenden und kopfhautbalancierenden Öl für sauberes, gesundes Haar.

Wir sind Leaping Bunny-zertifiziert! Das Leaping Bunny-Logo ist das einzige international anerkannte Symbol, das Verbrauchern garantiert, dass bei der Entwicklung der damit gekennzeichneten Produkte keine neuen Tierversuche durchgeführt wurden.


Warum Millionen von Frauen auf Ultra Sensitive Riegel umsteigen

1. Zeitersparnis

Wenn Sie unterwegs oder auf Reisen sind, sparen Sie mit einer Flasche 2-in-1-Shampoo und Spülung nicht nur Zeit beim Duschen, sondern auch wertvollen Platz in Ihrer Kosmetiktasche.

2. Nachhaltigkeit

Reduziert Einwegplastik: spart vier Flaschen flüssiges Shampoo oder Spülung.

3. Vereinfachen Sie Ihre Routine

Warum sollten Sie sich mit Badezimmerchaos zufrieden geben, wenn Sie Hautpflegeprodukte haben können, die beruhigen und mehrere Aufgaben gleichzeitig erfüllen? Jeder Riegel enthält eine 2-in-1-Formel, die Ihnen hilft, Ihre Routine zu vereinfachen und Einwegplastik zu reduzieren.

4. Wie schnell werde ich Ergebnisse sehen?

Mit nur 5 Inhaltsstoffen formuliert. Frei von Parabenen, Phthalaten, Silikonen, Sulfaten, Farbstoffen und künstlichen Duftstoffen.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
Based on 227 reviews
Reviews Summary
Customers say this fragrance-free bar creates rich lather and cleans effectively. Many reviews mention its dual use for hair and body. While some note initial adjustment periods or lathering challenges, most highlight how it leaves skin feeling soft and hair manageable. Common feedback includes its travel-friendly design and convenience.
98%would recommend this product
Slide 1 selected
227 reviews
  • T
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Oily, Itchy Scalp
    Product Standouts Gentle, Safe for Sensitive Skin, Hair, & Scalp
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    The only shampoo that doesn't make my scalp itch/smell.

    I have thick, black hair with dry ends and oily scalp. I've used dozens of different shampoos that range from organic, non sulphate, gentle for scalp etc but they all seem to make my head slightly itchy, or my scalp starts to smell greasy by the end of the day. When I started using this shampoo bar, it initially caused my head to become oily but then it stabilized after a week. Now it is the best shampoo I have used and about to make my 3rd purchase. My only complaint is that it does not lather AT ALL in Spain (where we travel to frequently) and perhaps any hard water country. Separately, the conditioner bars all melts into a sloppy slime pretty quickly so it's not great for travel. Other than that, I am a happy customer.

  • M
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Sensitive Scalp, Frizzy
    Product Standouts Good For Dry Hair, Safe for Sensitive Skin, Hair, & Scalp, Dual Purpose, Gentle, Lathers Well
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 months ago
    Please never stop making this!

    I have sensitive skin (lots of allergies) and this shampoo bar (and the conditioner) have been great - my hair and scalp get clean, and my hair is soft and shiny without my curls and waves being weighed down. I was traveling this week and managed to forget the special soaps I use for my body and face. Instead of trying my luck with whatever I could find, I used my shampoo bar and even the skin on my face felt healthy and clean, not stripped or dried out, it was a life saver! Please make this forever, I have so few options that work with my contact allergies, and this works so well!

  • VJ
    Vanessa J.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Sensitive Scalp, Itchy Scalp
    Product Standouts Lathers Well, Gentle, Safe for Sensitive Skin, Hair, & Scalp
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Only shampoo I can use.

    I started having problems with dandruff and itchy scalp. I noticed it was worse after shampooing. I switched to an anti-dandruff shampoo but started getting cysts on my scalp. And, the itching was keeping me up at night! My doctor suggested trying baby shampoo. That helped some but my scalp was still itchy. My sister talked me into trying Kitsch and I am SO GLAD she did. After going through my first bar I had no itching, no flaking and no new cysts. Since I was out and my new order hadn't arrived yet I used my daughter's shampoo and immediately had itchy scalp. I do not run out of Kitsch anymore. This stuff has saved my scalp! Pro tip: buy the mesh bags. The bars last even longer, break less and it keeps the little pieces together rather than down the shower drain.

  • B
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Sensitive Scalp, Itchy Scalp, Thinning
    Product Standouts Lathers Well, Gentle, Safe for Sensitive Skin, Hair, & Scalp
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    8 months ago
    Saved the day

    This bar eliminated my itchy scalp. I tried other Kitsch shampoo bars and numerous other shampoos of different brands. Finally read in the Kitsch FB group about this Sensitive bar. How did I miss that they make a "sensitive" shampoo bar?? Now this is the only bar that I use. Switching my husband to this one too. Thank you Kitsch.

  • ES
    Elaine S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Sensitive Scalp
    Product Standouts Safe for Sensitive Skin, Hair, & Scalp
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Amazing shampoo and conditioner bars.

    Having a very sensitive scalp I’ve struggled to find products that don’t give me a reaction. I’ve now found the perfect ones. I’ve been using them now for a few months and they’re absolutely great. The shampoo lather’s so well and the conditioner is so creamy and silky. I would recommend them 100%. I’m a very happy customer.

  • CS
    Carol S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Sensitive Scalp, Itchy Scalp, Thinning, Weak
    Product Standouts Lathers Well, Dual Purpose, Gentle, Safe for Sensitive Skin, Hair, & Scalp
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 months ago
    Absolutely the best body soap…

    I have always searched for a great soap for my allergy prone and sensitive skin. I’m 66 years old or young! I have finally found it in the Kitsch products, especially the ultra sensitive soap. It’s clean feeling, and soothing, does not dry my skin nor leave a residue, and leaves my hair perfect! I’ve gifted special friends who were totally excited to also find this soap that leaves their hair soft and skin feeling fresh and smooth. This is a total game changer for me! Thank you so much for providing a comfort to me and such a pleasure. Carol

  • BW Profile picture for Brittany W.google logo
    Brittany W.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Hair Concern Dry, Sensitive Scalp, Itchy Scalp, Weak
    Product Standouts Gentle, Dual Purpose, Safe for Sensitive Skin, Hair, & Scalp, Lathers Well
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago
    Love it! Just not the shape.

    I have to say I really love this product. I spent a long time trying many different shampoo bars. I have a dry, sensitive scalp and very fine hair that can look greasy quickly. Most shampoo bars weighed my hair down and left my scalp parched. This bar cleans my hair without residue or irritation. The fact that it doubles as a body bar is a win in my shower. Less crowded! The only reason it's shy of 5 stars: I really don't like the "S" shape they make the bars in now. Unfortunately, it creates weak points in the bar so that it breaks as it gets smaller, obviously making use harder. Bummer, but still a great product.

  • AS
    Allison S.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Helpful Shampoo Body Bar

    First of all, I think it is almost creepy how this bar has absolutely no fragrance. It truly has no scent!! If you are sensitive to smells, this bar will give you no worries.

    I have really embraced this bar as my emergency kit. It is a huge help when I am not feeling well. I use the same bar and I get everything, head to toe, clean. I have got a set of the sensitive bars to take with me to the hospital for an upcoming surgery. I know the bars will not be an issue with the doctor and I trust Kitsch to keep me clean.

  • AB
    Alice B.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Awesome body wash

    This bar suds up so quickly! I absolutely love it, in every way!

  • MV
    Maria V.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    solid shampoo and body wash

    I like that is it multi purpose and is not drying on my skin and hair

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Unsere Geschichte

Kitsch wurde im Alter von 25 Jahren von der in Wisconsin geborenen Cassandra Thurswell gegründet und ist ein globales Schönheitsunternehmen, das auf Positivität und purer harter Arbeit basiert. Die Marke unterstützt ihre wachsende Community mit einfachen, hochwertigen Beauty-Lösungen, die absolut zuverlässig, wirklich besonders und so nachhaltig wie möglich hergestellt sind. Kitsch begann im Jahr 2010 mit einem Geschäftsplan, der nur einen Absatz lang war, und liefert heute in über 20.000 Einzelhandelsstandorten weltweit ein komplettes Sortiment an Beauty-Favoriten. Cassandra ist eine prominente Unternehmerin, die von Forbes and Inc. vorgestellt wird und weiterhin hochwertige, nachhaltige Schönheitslösungen für jeden Moment des Tages kreiert.