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Unser Ice Roller ist Ihre neue Gesichtsbehandlung für zu Hause! Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Edelstahl, kann er Entzündungen lindern, die Durchblutung fördern und Muskelkater, Verspannungen und Kopfschmerzen lindern. Für optimale Ergebnisse wird die tägliche Anwendung empfohlen.
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This ice roller is a cooling favorite! It glides nicely across my skin and gives me a refreshing look and feel.
I LOVE this ice roller! I am a stomach sleeper, and I wake up between 4 & 5am as a baker girly. This is a must have for me during my morning routine! I depuff and feel refreshed and firmed. It's so simple, easy to use. It's truly a part of my regimen that I didn't know that I needed! I had been using a cooling under eye cream from a different brand and then noticed the Kitsch ice roller. Across my entire face and neck, I feel such a difference and ready to take on the day! I highly recommend for early risers or before and evening out. Any time of day this will benefit, but this has been a godsend for me in the early mornings!
You put it in the freezer for an hr or 2 and it works so great on under eye circles, puffiness, and really wakes me up. I also use it on my entire face. Feels amazing.
Aesthetically cute ice roller. It has been added to my skincare routine. I put it in the freezer for a short while before I use it. Glides on the skin smoothly.
I love this roller. It take a little time upfront because she's "Cold as Ice" but, "I am not willing to sacrifice my love" for what it does. Let it sit for a good 5 minutes. Take a couple of swipes, set it down, repeat. At some point you'll think its hot and not doing anything...set it down. The cold regenerates and you can finsh, go over your problem spots or just love the cold (for us menopausal Kitschees). Buy it!
The ice roller glides across my fade so smoothly; I love how it feels! The puffiness under my eyes just melts away! Thank you Kitsch!
Awsome smooth on face
I had heard so much hype about ice rollers so I just knew I had to try this out and it was SUCH an incredible experience! After a long day being able to roll my face with some ice is the most incredible feeling! I definitely recommend following the instructions on the back for proper drainage, and also holding it under your eyes is the BEST feeling! definitely recommend this to anyone on the edge about purchasing!
I keep mine in the freezer. I don’t use it every day but when I do, it’s always after doing my skincare routine. I don’t necessarily use it “correctly” everytime as in to promote lymphatic drainage, but mainly just because it feels good. My fiancé does use it for its intended purpose however. I think he loves it more than I do!
I absolutely love the Kitsch ice roller. It is very well made and does a phenomenal job decreasing the puffiness in my face. I also suffer from migraines, and this roller helps to provide a little relief for me. It is very easy to use and it such a relaxing experience.
Kitsch wurde im Alter von 25 Jahren von der in Wisconsin geborenen Cassandra Thurswell gegründet und ist ein globales Schönheitsunternehmen, das auf Positivität und purer harter Arbeit basiert. Die Marke unterstützt ihre wachsende Community mit einfachen, hochwertigen Beauty-Lösungen, die absolut zuverlässig, wirklich besonders und so nachhaltig wie möglich hergestellt sind. Kitsch begann im Jahr 2010 mit einem Geschäftsplan, der nur einen Absatz lang war, und liefert heute in über 20.000 Einzelhandelsstandorten weltweit ein komplettes Sortiment an Beauty-Favoriten. Cassandra ist eine prominente Unternehmerin, die von Forbes and Inc. vorgestellt wird und weiterhin hochwertige, nachhaltige Schönheitslösungen für jeden Moment des Tages kreiert.
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